I remember a time about four to five years ago when I first discovered the beautiful "Elf" lands of Second Life. I am referring to ElvenGlen and Elf Haven specifically. I remember landing in ElvenGlen and being in awe of the beauty surrounding me. I think what stood out was the lush green grass, tall majestic mountains with lovely waterfalls, and all the creeks and ponds in abundance. Of course after I arrived in ElvenGlen, I was cheerfully greeted by an elf who was very friendly and seemed eager to help and answer questions. All of this made me want to come back several times and finally, I ended up joining Elf Clan, headed by Wayfinder Wishbringer, and decided I wanted to become an elf and live in their lands. That's what I did! I bought land in ElfHaven, bought some elven clothes, and decor for my new home, a lovely treehouse. I loved my new home and life within the game because I'd always had a love for anything to do with elves, fairies and fantasy. I stayed with this roleplay a while, then later ended up starting a new venue and left Elf Clan at the time. I just recently came back, but have been more involved in blogging and exploring than participating actively for now.

As alot of groups and regions come and go, I was surprised to learn that Elf Clan, still headed by its founder, Wayfinder Wishbringer, was still around after all these years. Yes, there had been some changes, but overall, the group was the same with the same goals, mainly to offer a variety of quality activities, events, and opportunities for all interested. Instead of ElvenGlen being their main home, ElvenMyst was this area now. I remember ElvenMyst was in the process of being built when I was a member before. The lands considered Elf Clan regions are now ElvenMyst, ElvenHearth, and ElvenDream. ElvenMyst is the main region and consists of a floating castle that will give a "tour" of Elf Clan regions. This region contains an underwater castle, a "Pirate's Life" themed area for gathering with friends and sailing, a gorgeous meditation area, a museum, and some of the largest elven builds, including the Fyrefly: Eternity starship, Star Trek Astrometrics Lab, Heimdall Luxury Sky Cruiser and Steampunk Tardis. This is one of the most detailed and enjoyable Star Trek ships on the grid. ElvenMyst holds the oldest elven Drum Circle in Second Life, plus holds archery competitions here. ElvenMyst also consists of quite a number of fantasy merchants, which are placed in one area of the region for convenience. There's also a sandbox for Elf Clan members who need a place to build.

The two other regions under Elf Clan ownership are similar to ElvenMyst in terrain and style and are on either side of ElvenMyst. ElvenHearth houses the Home of the Dwagons, which is a castle of the orks and is full of fun and hidden doors. This area also contains many residences and there is rental space available. ElvenDream, also known as Unicorn Isle, is beautifully done with the unicorn motif. As I've said in one of my other blogs, unicorns have always been special to me, so this island was my favorite out of the three. This region was more or less a park to enjoy boating on the lake, host events in the buildings, and just enjoy the scenery.

There are two developments that must be mentioned. Elf Clan has added two grids to their original regions. The first, Reaction grid, is a secondary world apart from Second Life. Elf Clan holds lands there as well, as an alternate experimentation with the OpenSim project. Inworldz is another secondary world. Elf Clan members may build freely here. They are experimental lands and no builds are guaranteed to stay, but good ones may be left for demonstration purposes. Inworldz contains the regions of ElvenSong and ElvenHolde.
Elf Clan also has opportunities online with their general information and event calendar regarding the group, plus a social network anyone can join. The main site for Elf Clan is: http://elfclan.net/. The site for the social network is: http://elfclan.ning.com/. If you are or become a member of Elf Clan, you will definitely want to check these out.
The three regions of Elf Clan are peaceful, beautiful and definitely a must visit. If you are looking for activities, involvement and roleplay without all the rules of a roleplay sim, Elf Clan is the way to go.

Clothes: Cabaret Bluebell outfit by Janie Marlowe of Mischief
Shoes: Charcoal Sleek Laceup Boots by Fallingwater Cellardoor of Shiny Things
Hair: Dixie in Blonde II by AngelCross Skinstad of Cross
Skin: June II/Raccoon II in Sundust Light by Gala Phoenix of Curio
Elf Ears: *Iced* Elf Ears with diamond piercings by Scarlet Chandrayaan
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